The International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online XV (2009), no 22

Dear Friends, Colleagues and Contributors of the International Newsletter,

Finally we are able to announce the release of the 2009 issue of the International Newsletter of Communist Studies Online. The online edition, which can be freely downloaded from the INCS website at < <> >, incorporates 364 pages, which is over a hundred pages more than the last issue and thus is the largest INCS issue ever (once again). The current issue includes 11 project presentations, 14 articles of a wide geographic and thematic spectrum, 13 book reviews and various informational items (see the table of contents below). We would like to thank everybody who made this possible through his contributions.

As usual, the bibliographical coverage of topics related to Communist Studies is a major focus of the International Newsletter in general and this issue in particular. Here you can find a new issue of the “International Bibliography of Communist Studies”, covering 742 book publications from 58 countries. Also, the “International Article Bibliography on Communist Studies and Related Topics”, which we introduced last year, has been fruitfully continued in this issue, covering articles published during the year 2008 in scientific journals and periodicals globally. 603 articles and other contributions have been retrieved for the year 2008. The continuous scholarly output worldwide (though with significant nuances) shows not only a high and still growing interest in comparative Communist Studies and a transnational view on Communist history in general, but also the growing participation of a new generation of scholars.

Participation of readers and correspondents continues to be highly appreciated for the bibliographical sections – but of course not only. Everyone is encouraged to send us suggestions, articles, contributions and all kind of informational data on the various sections for the 2010 issue of the International Newsletter.

Due to the 2009 issue having been one of the most extensive and time-consuming International Newsletter issues ever, and also due to new research tasks of the editors for 2009/2010 – Bernhard H. Bayerlein has been invited as guest researcher at the Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung (ZZF) Potsdam, and Gleb Albert has been accepted for a doctoral fellowship at the Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology –, the print version of the 2010 issue will be only rudimentary, featuring no articles or reviews. Yet we are asking you to contribute to the online version of 2010, which will be as extensive as usual and will gladly feature your contributions.

The deadline for the online version of the International Newsletter’s 2010 edition is the 15th of February, 2010.

We strongly advice you to follow the submission guidelines, which will be available at the INCS homepage within the next week. By following the style guidelines you will contribute to a speedy editing/ layout process, making the next issue get released with a less delay. Also please note that unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.

With kind regards and best wishes for your ongoing projects,

Bernhard H. Bayerlein, Executive Editor

Gleb J. Albert, Assistant Editor


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Estes livros e brochuras pertenceram a Manuel Sertório, um dos fundadores dos Estudos sobre o Comunismo.



27-Jun-09 Fotog (5)


27-Jun-09 Fotog (4)


Estes livros, brochuras e revistas pertenceram a Manuel Sertório.

27-Jun-09 Fotografia (17)27-Jun-09 Fotografia (16)

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Livros e brochuras.

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Pensamiento Critico, 16, 20 (1968); 36 (1970).


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Estes livros, brochuras e revistas pertenceram a Manuel Sertório, encontrando-se alguns anotados.

27-Jun-09 Fotografia (3) 27-Jun-09 Fotografia (2)

27-Jun-09 Fotografia (4) 27-Jun-09 Fotografia

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15-Jun-09 (2)


15-Jun-09 (3)

Fotocópia existente num arquivo de um dirigente da oposição portuguesa. Desconhece-se o autor e o destinatário da informação (embora se encontre junto com outras informações dos serviços da Legião Portuguesa).

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15-Jun-09 Fotografia


15-Jun-09 Fotografia (2)

Fotocópia existente num arquivo de um dirigente da oposição portuguesa. Desconhece-se o autor e o destinatário da informação (embora se encontre junto com outras informações dos serviços da Legião Portuguesa, criada posteriormente).


11-06-2009 (2)


Le mot de la rédaction

Dossierles gauches en Égypte (xixe-xxe siècle)Dossier coordonné par Didier Monciaud

Didier Monciaud, Histoire de la gauche en Égypte (1870-1965) : expériences, contributions et enjeux

Ilham Khuri-Makdisi, Intellectuels, militants et travailleurs : la construction de la gauche en Égypte, 1870-1914

Anthony Gorman, Socialisme en Égypte avant la Première Guerre mondiale : la contribution des anarchistes

Zachary Lockman, La gauche et le mouvement ouvrier au début des années 1920

Katérina Trimi-Kirou, Être internationaliste dans une société coloniale : le cas des Grecs de gauche en Égypte (1914-1960)

Anouar Moghith, Un travaillisme égyptien autour de ‘Esäm Hefnî Nâsif, ou la production d’un marxisme indépendant et modéré dans l’entre-deux-guerre

Joël Beinin, Le marxisme égyptien (1936-1952) : nationalisme, anti-capitalisme et réforme sociale

Sherif Younis, Marxisme et patriotisme dans les régimes militaires de libération nationale : les officiers libres et les « communistes égyptiens »

Tewfik Aclimandos, Officiers libres et officiers communistes : collaborations et confrontations

Roel Meijer, Un modernisme autoritaire : les intellectuels de gauche et la réforme de la société égyptienne dans les années 1950

Didier Monciaud, Une trajectoire féminine dans la gauche égyptienne : dimensions et enjeux des engagements de Soraya Adham (1926-2008)